Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Conversations with the Woman in the Moon...

...Or the Universe, or Mother Nature, or God, or Source, or the Almighty, or my Higher Consciousness...

Anyway, I can't tell you who I have been in conversation with, all I can tell you is that she is a woman and she is very wise. I struggle with what to call her because I really don't know and I don't think I am supposed to know. As soon as I name something or think, "I know" what something is, I have just limited the possibility of what else it can be and the potential of what it can become.  I am also really enjoying exercising my faith, I don't need to know, I just need to have faith and trust that I am receiving the message I need to hear.

 I have been walking on the beach at night and the moon has been big, bright and lighting up the world in a way I'm not normally accustomed. I enjoy the change in perspective. These walks are very quiet, no one is on the beach which gives me the opportunity to focus on a question I have and let the world show me the answer. I have received some amazing messages from the Woman in the Moon.

For example, I have been curious about my fear of not living up to my vision. I have a huge vision of building a global community, working together to create happier, healthier lives. It is so important to me, not only because of the difference it will make in the world, I see this as my contribution in this lifetime. Actually when I break it down to my most basic and powerful motivator, my vision is the world in which I want to raise my kids. Everywhere they look they see peace, love and support. I believe it is possible and I will do what ever it takes to give that to them. (Yes, my hypothetical children, that are not even a glimmer in my eye, drive a lot of what I want to do in this lifetime).

Back to my fear; I have these completely irrational thoughts about not living up to my vision. I think, "Its too big and I am too weak" or "I have no influence, who cares" or "There is no way I can do something that important"... blah blah blah. These thoughts are not substantiated in reality, they are a projection of myself in the future which hasn't happened yet.

So, I asked the Woman in the Moon, "why do I have these thoughts, why do I create this fear for myself?"

I ask and I sit until something comes up for me, proving to the Woman in the Moon that I'm dedicated to finding the answer. She then replies, "How are you to lead others to peace if you can't find your own? You must move past your fear consciously so you can share the way with others."

OK. Sounds good to me. Well... wait... I ask, "How do I move past my fear? My thoughts come in uninvited. If I could choose the thoughts that come in my mind those wouldn't be the ones!"

Again, I wait. She replies, "Invite the fear in, see it for what it is, then you will see the fear is not real. Once you do that, reality will follow."

Nice. Sounds simple, but not easy. I have one more question, "How do I know it's not real? It feels REAL!"

To which she replies very quickly, "Nothing you see is real. All you see/experience is your story of what is real. You are making all of this up, what causes you fear and what causes you joy, is your projection. When you give up the story you will experience what's real."

Now I am even more confused, "Eh, I'm not sure I follow. My mind is reeling. How do I tell the difference?"

She, with kindness in her voice answers, "Follow your heart to what makes you happy, to what makes you feel alive. Yes, your story will come up again and again. Don't give up. When you dismantle the story, you will be free."

Message received. Thank you. I love you, whoever you are.

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