Friday, October 31, 2014


Wow. Well, this one crept in unnoticed and unexpected. Who knew that in a project dedicated to kindness that shame would be such a large component to consider?

My mom used to say, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction,” and to be completely honest with you I NEVER understood what she meant by that. However, in reflection I see how it makes perfect sense with what I am dealing with right now.

Berne Brown says, “We cannot selectively numb emotions, when we numb the painful emotions, we also numb the positive emotions.” So coupling that with what my mom said the converse is true as well. As we start to amplify the positive emotions we amplify the painful emotions… and actually that is not completely true either. A more true statement is: when we amplify our positive emotions we amplify the possibility for painful emotions to arise as well.

So a way to think about this is if I am NEVER willing to have a broken heart then I will not be able to fully fall in love. When I fall in love I must be willing to have a broken heart. It does not guarantee that I will but if I were never willing to be brokenhearted I would never have the chance to be in love.


Enough with theory… here is my connection to shame and kindness.

So as I have enthusiastically barreled down the road of expressing kindness in every encounter I have simultaneously filled my heart with joy. I realized the delicate difference between being polite and being kind and the impact that can have on someone. I also experienced the thrill of leaving kindness behind for someone to find while disconnecting from the outcome of knowing if or how it impacted someone’s life. I have been more deliberate in expressing appreciation and have engaged in a level of creativity to express gratitude in ways I never have before now. My heart is SO full it has expanded to fill the entirety of my body, pushing up and out against my skin.

This has been, as my good friend Lisa always says, a “yummy” experience. With my heart so close to the surface, it is more susceptible to being touched; for both pain and joy.

Now, shame has crept into my consciousness and I must say I never expected this feeling to show up in my life. In my first project of #101DaysOfAwakening I realized that I separated myself from people for fear of getting hurt and feeling heart broken. So I decided to deliberately create a project that forced me to connect, which was my next project #101DaysOfConnection. However, during that process I realized how slick my mind was; I brilliantly went through the motions of reaching out but did not emotionally connect. That led me to kindness; acting in kindness is a very emotional connection for me. I feel love and gratitude with every act and I feel it deeply. There are also times where I feel hopeful that these acts of kindness will help the recipient. I hope that it will alleviate their pain and suffering in some way. 

Since I started this project I have felt many times tied to the outcome of the kindness and deeply sad and ashamed because it did not work out the way I wanted.

As I have investigated this feeling I realize that I am disappointed in myself for not being able to help people like I want. In my perfect world I would be able to save people from their own suffering. I would have superhuman powers to bless all those in pain and take it all away.

I shared this with a friend and he kindly smiled and said, “If you try to be the God for other people they never get to have their own experience of God.”

I conceptually understand that statement, however, I just don’t feel good about not being able to control the suffering of others. The immature and underdeveloped part of myself feels shame for not being able to do what I should be able to do. I am supposed to make a difference and I have given myself impossible criteria to meet in order to do that.

As a kid I always felt responsible for my little brother. I thought that if I were good he would be happy and my parents would be happy with me. I thought that if I could get him to behave everything would be OK and everyone would be happy. As a kid I truly thought I had the power to do all of this and I have kept this idea with me into my adulthood. 

No wonder I have protected myself from emotionally connecting. If I had let myself connect I would have had to feel the shame of not being able to save someone thank you!

Important lesson: There is a subtle and profound difference between saving and supporting.

So now that I recognize the belief that is running underneath the surface I will make this an opportunity to grow.

The amazing opportunity in this situation is to own all of my thoughts and fears around helping others so I can bring it up to my awareness and make a different choice and feel something different. I want to nurture the part of me that wants to support and lay to rest the part of me that wants to save.

So here is my intention as I move forward in this process:  

I am tender and loving to the part of me that wants to save people and make a difference. It comes from a pure and loving place. I will honor that part of me and continue to look for ways to give and be kind to others. I let go of the outcome and I trust that no matter what happens it will ultimately lead to us all to finding our way home.

I embrace, accept and at times celebrate the pain others feel because I know it will lead them to their own resolution, their own empowerment and their own way home. I will lend support in all the ways I am willing and that has me feel awake, alive and conscious.

I meet the shame I feel around this issue with empathy. I cannot save anyone. I cannot make choices for anyone but myself. I allow all my feelings to come up and I am willing to feel the full scale of their cycle. I know on the other side of these feelings is complete and total freedom. On the other side of these feelings is my ability to be completely committed to loving and fully willing to lose. 

I replace my criticism with compassion. I exchange my doubt for faith. I trade my fear for surrender. I choose unconditional love in always, all ways and I start with myself. 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Writing to My Future Conscious Children

Dear Babies,

You are nowhere near existence and yet I dream of you often. Your future father and I talk about you; what you will be like, what will interest you, what we will do together as a family, the values we will live. I dream about what you will look like (God willing you will have your father’s hair), I pray for your health and happiness, and I love you like crazy. You have not come into being and yet the thought of our lives joining one day fills my heart with joy. I can’t wait to meet you. I can’t wait to hold your little bodies in my arms and kiss your cheeks. I can’t wait to be put to the ultimate test of being your mother and watching my heart forever walk around outside my body.

I always wanted you and yet I must admit there were times where I said I wasn’t going to have you. That was only because I was scared. Not of childbirth, it was the thought of raising you that scared me most. I wanted the best for you and I looked at myself and thought you deserve better. My behavior and emotional capacity would have led me to be a controlling, stressed out mom. I didn’t want that for you, I wanted to protect you from my inadequacies; I love you too much to pass them down to you.

Which brings me to the purpose of this letter. I want to thank you. I am so grateful for the possibility of you because it has given me the courage to show the world who I really am. In 2009 I realized that I wanted you more then I wanted to live without you and I made the most important decision that changed the trajectory of my life forever. I decided that I wouldn’t let fear stop me from having the things I want, which in turn led me down a path of personal growth, compassion and healing.

When I get scared, you always come to mind and I ask myself, “Would I be proud to pass this down?” It gives me great clarity, as it makes the questions easy to answer.

Today I had to make a really scary decision that impacts someone I care about. I decided to stay true to my values and ask them to leave my life. Staying together only served the illusion that I was helping or being kind.

Sometimes we have to do what is uncomfortable and trust that everything will work out because it always does. As long as your intention is pure you can do no harm.

I am happy to pass that on to you. I can honestly say that a year ago I would have compromised my values to serve the illusion.  There is nothing in this world you can’t handle. A few years ago I wasn’t so sure of that and as I write you now I know it for certain.

You will feel pain, you will feel heart ache, you may suffer and I trust you will land on your feet. I trust your journey will lead you to exactly where you need to be and you will be wonderful because of it. Although I am sure I will always want to protect you from hurts, and I will jump in from time to time. I promise I will not protect you from life.

I will not protect you from my inadequacies because there are none. I am a perfectly imperfect human being with a kind soul and a lot of love for you. You deserve life. The full scale of it, beauty and terror, and part of the joy of being your mother is the dance I will do balancing giving you guidance and getting out of your way.

I was motivated to take this journey because of you and it has me feel free. It is because of this journey that I realized that I wasn’t really protecting you from me, I was protecting myself from the potential pain I would feel if anything ever happened to you. It is because of this journey that I know that whatever the outcome of your life, I will be ok. I always am and I won’t trade one moment of loving you to protect myself from the possibility of pain.

A lot of these lessons I learned, by the way, come from your future father. He is one brilliant man AND he is the greatest partner in the world for me. I am extremely happy to pass that on to you. Our love, mutual respect, and honesty will be a great foundation for you. We laugh a lot together, we cry together and we sing and dance together. I am sure you will enjoy your time with us and I look forward to seeing whom you choose as a mate. My parents set an amazing example for me, as did your father’s, so you come from a good long line of loving couples. I look forward to seeing how your love story unfolds.

You will be here in the next few years and thanks to your inspiration I am doing everything to prepare for your arrival. Taking good care of myself mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually just like my mom did for me.

Love you endlessly in all ways, always,
