Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Greatest Gift

I love quotes. To me they are short, sweet, easy to remember and convey a complicated message in a completely relatable way.

Some quotes makes sense to me logically and conceptually AND yet I have no real life experience of them. My favorite example is featured to the left.

When I read the Lao Tzu quote I get the feeling I had as a kid when I "knew how" to tie my shoes but didn't yet have the skills to put it into action.

I mean, "awaken all of myself," I get it, I think... but how? Where do I start?

Well, as you all know, I started this journey a long time ago. A voice deep inside kept telling me that I was here on this earth for a reason. Seven years ago, when my Mom passed away, I got a major wake up call, I knew I wasn't living the life that I knew was in me to live. There was a voice inside me that urged me to get curious about why I am here and what my purpose is in this world.

Shortly after the loss of my mom and that realization about living on purpose, I was on the search for an "answer." I read amazing books, met amazing people and gained valuable insight that changed my life.

Any yet there are still quotes I love and haven't experienced... until recently.

Last week I wrote how I opened up to experiencing the grief and sadness I feel about the loss of my Mom. Well it's amazing what has happened as a result of my opening up.

Two days after I reached out to a therapist about processing my grief, one of my friends who lost one of his parents over 6 months ago reached out to me to talk about how he is dealing with his grief.

Another friend who's mom recently passed away reached out to me to talk about his feelings and invited me into his process with his family in such an intimate way, I can't even begin to describe how grateful I am.

I have worked with two clients that are looking to move beyond heartbreak so they can have deep fulfilling romantic relationships and their greatest fear/resistance is around anticipated loss. I was able to serve them in a more profound way because I have, and currently am, working through my sadness in relationship to loss.

Now is this a coincidence or did my realization cause this reaction in these people? I have no idea! Would this NOT have happened had I not opened up to my grief? No, it would all still have happened. However; who I am and what I am able to contribute to these experiences with those around me is very different had I not gone through my own process.

If any part of me was in resistance to loss or sadness, I couldn't have been with these people to the depth I was through this last week.

We are all connected. When I process through my sadness, I allow someone else to have theirs. I can be with them, understand them, serve them, love them because I don't resent or resist my own feelings. I don't try to make them feel better in the moment because I am uncomfortable with their feelings. I can be with them, no matter how they feel. That is the greatest gift I can give.

My friend Marian and I (you remember her, she inspired this "pay it forward" project) often talk about the "ripple effect." I think people have a very limited understanding of how far they reach. How much each of our lives intertwine with others and how influential our actions are in the world.

I am sure when she started her happiness project she didn't anticipate the impact it would have on me. When I started this project I couldn't have anticipated the awakening I have had and the impact that it has had on the people in my life. I have no idea how far this message will ripple out into the world. It's only my job to put it out there. To express who I am and how I feel and who knows what that will do for others.

Which reminds me of another quote I am beginning to experience at a deeper level. Marianne Williamson said, "As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." I feel it.

I didn't realize how much I was holding back, all I knew was that I had a belief that I was meant for something more. My commitment to exploring that belief has lead me here and my life is truly amazing because of what I have discovered along the way. But don't take my word for it. Go experience it! What does that voice say to you? The one that says, "wouldn't it be great if I..." and then you quickly shut it down with reasons for why not. Don't wait another minute, don't believe another reason for why not to do it. Just do it. Go. Trust me. It's the greatest gift you can give.

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